Monday, November 14, 2011

The Shop.

This is the shop. In all its quaint glory, decorated with trash and treasures and more than a few unfinished projects.


  1. Hi Trav,
    still think the raw metal gastank looks interesting :-)
    any more pics of it ? :-)
    is it "open" on the "top-front" ?
    and 4 what kind of bike / frame did you do it ?

    greetz from germany..... Peter

  2. hahah...that old tank?....that was made for my friend and it never got finished...I call it the "drunk tank" has a place for a cigarette pack and a has a built in beer holder in it aswell..along with holding gas ofcourse..I really have to finish that thing.

  3. I would take it for my "office".... ;-) it looks great and a fantastic idea... :-)

  4. I am interested in that tank!!!!!!! how much coin for it? I've been trying to find a wicked tank for backstreet bucket to paint for me. let me know if your willing to sell it.

  5. well you may be in luck...check the backstreet buckets site in a few weeks and tell me what you think...thanks for the stoke..I can build anything you want if you`re interested!
